JH/PHO/9/4 - [Watermill Farm pond; Thetford water works; harvest]
[Watermill Farm pond; Thetford water works; harvest]
28 items Slides, photographic (colour)
Blyford Estate -- Harvesting -- Photographs
Thetford -- Industries -- Photographs
Watermill Farm, Wenhaston -- Pond
Watermill Farm, Wenhaston -- Tennis court -- Photographs
Thetford -- Industries -- Photographs
Watermill Farm, Wenhaston -- Pond
Watermill Farm, Wenhaston -- Tennis court -- Photographs
Slides were taken in 9/60 and show the making of the pond at Watermill Farm; a visit to a dressmaking enterprise; the opening of a water works in Thetford; harvesting at Blyford Estate; stacked bags in a farm shed; and the bulldozing of the tennis court at Watermill Farm.
JH - Hill Papers
JH/PHO - [Photographs and films]
JH/PHO/9 - [Photographs and films 1960]
- JH/PHO/9/4 - [Watermill Farm pond; Thetford water works; harvest]
JH/PHO/9 - [Photographs and films 1960]
JH/PHO - [Photographs and films]