JH/PHO/23/6 - [Watermill Farm aircraft damage; rebuilding of Ivy Farm farmhouse]
[Watermill Farm aircraft damage; rebuilding of Ivy Farm farmhouse]
46 items Mixed
Watermill Farm, Wenhaston
Ivy Farm, Blyford -- Farmhouse -- Photographs
Ivy Farm, Blyford -- Farmhouse -- Photographs
Contains photographs, negatives, and notes relating to the photographs of a crashed Lightening aircraft at Watermill Farm on 13/2/74; and the rebuilding of Ivy Farm farmhouse.
JH - Hill Papers
JH/PHO - [Photographs and films]
JH/PHO/23 - [Photographs and films 1974]
- JH/PHO/23/6 - [Watermill Farm aircraft damage; rebuilding of Ivy Farm farmhouse]
JH/PHO/23 - [Photographs and films 1974]
JH/PHO - [Photographs and films]