JH/PHO/19/6 - [Watermill Farm in snow]
[Watermill Farm in snow]
36 items Slides, photographic (colour)
Hill, Edith
Dogs -- Photographs
Slides show Blyford Estate's arable land in Autumn of 1970; aerial spraying; Watermill Farm and a puppy in the snow; one frame of an interior view of a house; planting; and Edith Hill with grandchildren.
JH - Hill Papers
JH/PHO - [Photographs and films]
JH/PHO/19 - [Photographs and films 1970]
- JH/PHO/19/6 - [Watermill Farm in snow]
JH/PHO/19 - [Photographs and films 1970]
JH/PHO - [Photographs and films]