JH/PHO/13/1 - [Linda's 21st birthday; Minsmere beach; Watermill Farm; Alec Home]
[Linda's 21st birthday; Minsmere beach; Watermill Farm; Alec Home]
28 items Slides, photographic (colour)
Jackson, Linda Joan Maxwell
Home, Alec Douglas-Home,
Home, Alec Douglas-Home,
Minsmere -- Photographs
Slides show a local concert; Linda Hill's 21st birthday; Minsmere beach; floods at Watermill Farm; the stocking of fish in Watermill Farm pond; and Alec Home speaking in Diss.
JH - Hill Papers
JH/PHO - [Photographs and films]
JH/PHO/13 - [Photographs and films 1964]
- JH/PHO/13/1 - [Linda's 21st birthday; Minsmere beach; Watermill Farm; Alec Home]
JH/PHO/13 - [Photographs and films 1964]
JH/PHO - [Photographs and films]
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