JDS/1/47 - Letter, J. D. Salinger to Donald Hartog, 27/9/1996
Letter, J. D. Salinger to Donald Hartog, 27/9/1996
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Don had sent Salinger an obituary of Grete Salinger, whom Salinger did not think was a relative. He writes of his parents’ ‘mixed’ marriage and that he knew little of his parents’ ancestry. He describes the character of his father and mother and his relationship with each of them. Brief mention is made of his attendance at a boarding military school. He is looking forward to the Fall and Winter; and not looking forward to the presidential elections [Bill Clinton (Democrat), Bob Dole (Republican)].
A paragraph is redacted (Data Protection Act).
Includes envelope.
A paragraph is redacted (Data Protection Act).
Includes envelope.
JDS - J.D. Salinger - Hartog Letters
- JDS/1/47 - Letter, J. D. Salinger to Donald Hartog, 27/9/1996