Home  / DL/WHI/020 - [Letter, Doris Lessing to Coll Macdonald, 04/04/1945]

DL/WHI/020 - [Letter, Doris Lessing to Coll Macdonald, 04/04/1945]

Reference code
Level of description
[Letter, Doris Lessing to Coll Macdonald, 04/04/1945]
Quantity & Format
2 leaves, typed on recto and verso. Includes envelope. Letters (typescript)
Personal name
Whitehorn, John
Lessing, Doris May, 1919-2013
Lessing, Doris May, 1919-2013
Scope and content
2 lettercards addressed to Pilot Officer Coll Macdonald c/o J.R.M. Whitehorn, R.A.F., H.Q., M.E.F.

Written on 4/4/1945, stamped 5/4/1945.

Doris describes the writing of her new novel, and the characters therein.

Mentions D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley’s lover.

“Peanut and assorted air force are coming to dinner, so am cooking things wildly and opening tins.”

“I really miss you incredibly, especially on Saturdays, which tend to be bleak.”

She asks if the desert is any better than Salisbury.

Doris is doing her best to revive her relationship with Gottfried.

She mentions that John is a censor and asks if Coll is also one.

She has 6 avocado pears from a tree in Umtali and she is eating curried pickled fish.

She had drinks with Tom Lewis.

She asks Coll if they are going to Burma or Italy and asks what he has been doing in Cairo.

Doris had lost 8 pounds when John and Coll had left.

She had seen 5 American films and mentions Lifeboat.

She is tired of the study groups.
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