DL/A-Z//ASSOCIAZ - [Correspondence with Associazione Goffredo de Banfield]
[Correspondence with Associazione Goffredo de Banfield]
1 Letters (typescript)
1 Press cuttings
1 Press cuttings
001 is a letter from Maria Luisa de Banfield of the Associazione Goffredo de Banfield to Doris Lessing. De Banfield introduces the charitable organisation she has set up in the name of her father Baron Godfrey von Banfield for the benefit of the elderly poor. She invites Lessing to become a patron of the charity. References Jane Somers and If the Old Could. Lessing hand writes: "No. Sorry. 25.8.88"
002 is a photocopied obituary of Baron Godfrey von Banfield [enclosed with 001].
002 is a photocopied obituary of Baron Godfrey von Banfield [enclosed with 001].
DL - Doris Lessing Archive
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
- DL/A-Z//ASSOCIAZ - [Correspondence with Associazione Goffredo de Banfield]
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit