DL/A-Z//ABE - [Correspondence with Sacha Abercorn, Duchess of Abercorn]
[Correspondence with Sacha Abercorn, Duchess of Abercorn]
1 Letters (typescript)
1 Greetings cards
1 Greetings cards
001 is a letter from Sacha Abercorn, Duchess of Abercorn inviting Doris Lessing to attend a Jungian psychology workshop at the Centre for Transpersonal Psychology (mentioning Richard Leigh and Ian Gordon-Brown), with an attached application form; Lessing hand writes “no” on the letter.
002 is an anonymous, handwritten card, written to the sender of 001 [Abercorn?].
002 is an anonymous, handwritten card, written to the sender of 001 [Abercorn?].
DL - Doris Lessing Archive
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
- DL/A-Z//ABE - [Correspondence with Sacha Abercorn, Duchess of Abercorn]
DL/A-Z - [A-Z Correspondence of Doris Lessing]
DL/2008 - Doris Lessing Archive 2008 deposit