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APW/8/SHE - The Sheep-Pig

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The Sheep-Pig
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DKS submits his “effort” for Martin West’s Kite series at Kestrel (Penguin), 17/1/83. West would be doing four Kites in April 1984, and wanted the stories submitted by Feb 1983.

DKS had been filming for two days with TV-am and had been bitten by a goat, letter to PT 14/1/83.

PT submits The SHEEP-PIG to Martin West and hopes he will include it in one of his four Kestrel Kites, 18/1/83.
Sample illustrations are also submitted from Mary Rayner. West declines and returns the manuscript and sample illustrations, 18/2/83.

Gollancz accept THE SHEEP-PIG. Details of their offer are in a letter dated 7/4/83. The illustrator’s proportion of royalties is discussed. A letter of agreement is signed by DKS, 4/5/83.

Correspondence with the US is via the agency Georges Borchardt and a proof is sent to Harper & Row, letter 14/9/83. Harper & Row later reject the script as explained by Anne Borchardt “their objection centres on the wife and the farmer, whom they didn’t find “loving” enough, but too “caricatured”. They also thought that Babe developed too strong an ego (letter, 7/10/83).

Crown express an interest (letter from Crown to Laura Cecil Mary Rayner’s literary agent, 24/8/83).

A proof copy of THE SHEEP-PIG is sent to the BBC producers of Jackanory for possible inclusion in the programme. This is accepted for a future series and a contract is requested. Discussion follows on the full colour illustrations which could be commissioned from Mary Rayner.

DKS gives his reaction to Harper & Row’s rejection in his letter of 22/10/83. He also mentions having offered ALPHABEASTS to Chester Zoo as a contribution to a charity publication. PT offers copyright advice, 27/10/83.

Viking turn down BABE, letter from Anne Borchardt, 28/12/83.

DKS writes about his meeting with Anne Wood (TV-am) and her plans for Rub-a-Dub-Tub Sunday magazine and anthology, 20/12/83. Anne Wood explains further in her letter to PT, 4/1/84.

PT tells Anne Borchardt that THE SHEEP-PIG had been short-listed by the Federation of Children’s Bookclubs. This was the second time which DKS had been short-listed the first was for DAGGIE DOGFOOT (known as PIGS MIGHT FLY in the US), 10/2/84.

Announcement of DKS’ win of the Guardian Award for Children’s Fiction, letter PT to Anne Borchardt, 8/3/84. It was hoped this would persuade Thea Feldman (Crown) to take the book.

Heinemann ask if DKS would like to write a story for their Banana series, letter PT to DKS, 8/3/84.

Puffin make an offer for both THE SHEEP-PIG and THE QUEEN’S NOSE, letter from Gollancz, 16/3/84.

Gollancz offer to print between 10,000 and 15,000 copies on behalf of Crown (9/2/84) and Crown make their offer via Georges Borchardt, 19/3/84. Crown don’t like the title and they would be in touch with DKS (letter Anne Borchardt to PT, 23/3/84).

- Copy of DKS’ completed author’s questionnaire for Crown which includes a photograph of DKS and his dog Dodo [June 1984]. Also a completed artist’s questionnaire from Mary Rayner.

DKS writes of wining the Guardian Award “I hope not ever to get over the thrill of the whole business” (letter to PT, 24/3/84).

Gollancz announce an offer from Heinemann Educational who wish to add the book to their Windmill series, 2/5/84.

RIBA request THE SHEEP-PIG to be recorded as ‘Talking Books’, 22/5/84.

Gallimard Editions are interested in THE SHEEP-PIG for their list, 19/5/84. Mary Rayner’s share of the advance is sent to her agent on 26/2/86.

PT sends an advance to Mary Rayner’s agent (Laura Cecil) from the Swedish publisher Laselekt, 1/8/84.

Reference to THE SHEEP-PIG having been included in the Royal Assortment – a selection of twenty books given to the Queen just before she left for Balmoral, letter PT to Liz Attenborough 2/8/84.

Mary Rayner is surprised that Penguin/Puffin Books had published MAGNUS POWERMOUSE without her knowledge, and using another artist for the jacket. “… it is a great nlow for me to have a foreigner’s drawing flung round my work as a wrapper.” (Letter to Liz Attenborough, 4/9/84). Attenborough’s reply is dated 17/9/84.

PT sends DKS his two/thirds share of the advance from the Afrikaans publishers, Human and Rousseau, 29/10/84.

PT informs DKS of Angela Beeching’s message that the television programme Jackanory would soon be aired and the production had been shot on a farm with Peter Davidson of Doctor Who and All Creatures Great and Small, doing the reading, 2/11/84.

- Copy of the contract from Heinemann Educational Books.

DKS writes to PT about money matters, advances and royalties, 21/11/84.

Correspondence with Television Centre regarding the possible televising of THE SHEEP-PIG on Telebugs.

PT asks Angela Beeching of the BBC whether she’d consider having DKS read HARRY’S MAD on Jackanory “he is a natural.”

Linda Shaughnessy suggests that AP Watt in future only handle DKS’ rights and that any illustrator’s rights for foreign publishers (Human & Rousseau), Danish or Finnish rights be handled directly by the illustrator’s agents, letter Linda Shaughnessy to Laura Cecil, 7/12/84.

- Draft contract between the Australian company Kennedy Miller Productions and DKS relating to the purchase of the motion picture and allied rights, 3/3/86. The contract is submitted to AP Watt by Denton Hall Burgin & Warrens solicitors on behalf of their client. AP Watt turn it down “a woefully inadequate sum for theatrical film rights …” letter, 5/3/86. A revised offer is submitted. This is accepted and contracts are negotiated, this continues into 1987 when comic strip rights and “the book of the film” rights are discussed. Victor Gollancz are asked to sign a publisher’s quitclaim (22/7/86), a copy of the signed form is included. A licence fee is paid to AP Watt, 31/7/86.

BBC Radio 4 is serialising the book in five six-minute episodes from 25-29 August in a programme called Cat’s Whiskers, letter, Rod Hall to DKS, 4/6/86.

- Press-cuttings of pigs in Wales who are known to round up sheep, 1987.

Anne Borchardt writes to PT about WEA, the public television/radio company in Washington D.C. who wants to read two five-minute excerpts of BABE, THE GALLANT PIG on instructional TV. The series is called Books from Cover to Cover, 14/5/87. Rights are declined as screen rights had been sold. A later letter from Cover to Cover announces their agreement with Puffin Books to distribute children’s cassettes throughout the country’s bookshops, 7/7/87.

- Copy of a list of local and foreign publishers of THE SHEEP-PIG.
- Christmas card showing DKS’ home, Diamond’s Cottage.

Rights are granted to the Lincoln Music & Drama Festival to use the book in a children’s narrative prose reading class, 20/7/87.

Laura Cecil enquires from Anne Borchardt about royalties owing to Mary Rayner, 15/12/87.

The BBC requests videogram rights for a videogram of Jackanory: THE SHEEP-PIG. Transmission would be in 5 x 14-minute programmes, 9/11/88.

The BBC requests permission rights to use 3 mins. of THE SHEEP-PIG on the Schools Radio programme Living Language, 2/8/89; and for the programme Friday Story, 5/12/89.

Other titles referred to in this file: THE QUEEN’S NOSE and it’s submission to Tony Lacey (Penguin); HARRY’S MAD and the re-working of it for Joanna Goldsworthy (Gollancz), 20/9/83; MAGNUS POWERMOUSE; JUST A GUESS (DKS’s television play), 9/8/85.
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