APW/8/HOD - The Hodgeheg
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The Hodgeheg
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20 items
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A cautionary tale of hedgehogs and zebra crossings.
- Draft memorandum of agreement between DKS and Hamish Hamilton Ltd.
On Christmas Day, DKS submits his story written for Helen Trisk’s Antelope series (Hamish Hamilton). Trisk turns it down as being unsuitable “too slight a story” but suggests it be re-written for the Cartwheel series.
Judith Elliott and Lucy Coats (Orchard Press) also turn down HODGEHEG due to its length which doesn’t fit a novel and is too long for any of their series.
Lucy Collier (AP Watt) announces the birth of Pamela Todd’s daughter, Chloe, on 22/3/86.
Helen Trisk reconsiders THE HODGEHEG and makes some editorial comments and suggestions (10/4/86). She describes the move of Hamish Hamilton to the Penguin Group.
Ingrid Selberg (Heinemann) turns down THE HODEHEG saying it’s too similar to YOB “where the dog gets a bonk on the head and does things backward. Also, frankly, once you get the joke it becomes rather tedious.” (letter, 24/4/86).
DKS had appeared on TV-AM’s Wideawake Club and was heading to Harrods pet department for a book signing session. He accepts the Hamish Hamilton offer (letter, PT to Helen Trisk, 3/6/86).
Puffin make an offer for THE HODGEHEG (letter, 6/2/87).
- Draft memorandum of agreement between DKS and Hamish Hamilton Ltd.
On Christmas Day, DKS submits his story written for Helen Trisk’s Antelope series (Hamish Hamilton). Trisk turns it down as being unsuitable “too slight a story” but suggests it be re-written for the Cartwheel series.
Judith Elliott and Lucy Coats (Orchard Press) also turn down HODGEHEG due to its length which doesn’t fit a novel and is too long for any of their series.
Lucy Collier (AP Watt) announces the birth of Pamela Todd’s daughter, Chloe, on 22/3/86.
Helen Trisk reconsiders THE HODGEHEG and makes some editorial comments and suggestions (10/4/86). She describes the move of Hamish Hamilton to the Penguin Group.
Ingrid Selberg (Heinemann) turns down THE HODEHEG saying it’s too similar to YOB “where the dog gets a bonk on the head and does things backward. Also, frankly, once you get the joke it becomes rather tedious.” (letter, 24/4/86).
DKS had appeared on TV-AM’s Wideawake Club and was heading to Harrods pet department for a book signing session. He accepts the Hamish Hamilton offer (letter, PT to Helen Trisk, 3/6/86).
Puffin make an offer for THE HODGEHEG (letter, 6/2/87).
APW - AP Watt Archive
APW/8 - Dick King-Smith
- APW/8/HOD - The Hodgeheg
APW/8 - Dick King-Smith