PP/9/18/20 - [Letter, Jack Pritchard to Karel Honzik, 3/2/39]
[Letter, Jack Pritchard to Karel Honzik, 3/2/39]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Isokon tables
František Polášek (firm)
František Polášek (firm)
Honzik, Karel. recipient
Jack Pritchard asks Karel Honzik to get a quotation from the Czech firm [František Polášek] which will include transport [for the Breuer chairs and table]. Gives weight of stacking chair.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/9 - Correspondence with architects other than named in collections
PP/9/18 - Karel Honzik
- PP/9/18/20 - [Letter, Jack Pritchard to Karel Honzik, 3/2/39]
PP/9/18 - Karel Honzik
PP/9 - Correspondence with architects other than named in collections