PP/9/18/16 - [Letter, Karel Honzik to Jack Pritchard, 12/1/39]
Reference code
Level of description
[Letter, Karel Honzik to Jack Pritchard, 12/1/39]
Quantity & Format
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Isokon long chair
Gebrüder Thonet
Isokon Furniture Company
Platzer (firm)
Fundulus (firm)
Gebrüder Thonet
Isokon Furniture Company
Platzer (firm)
Fundulus (firm)
Honzik, Karel.Creator
Pritchard, John Craven,Administrative/Biographical history
Scope and content
Karel Honzik tells Jack Pritchard that the plans and samples [for the Breuer chairs] have arrived safely. Mentions the house Honzik is working on at Pilsen and his daughter's illness. Karel Honzik asks Jack Pritchard for full drawings of the Breuer Long Chair (BCI) and reports that the Thonet branch in Poland is not the factory that Jack Pritchard supposed was making furniture [in Europe]. Mentions that Platzer stopped production 8 years ago and Fundulus does not have a [plywood] bending machine. Karel Honzik does not understand Mr Kalivoda's plans particularly if they involve selling Isokon furniture in Czechoslovakia. [Letter is dated 1938].
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/9 - Correspondence with architects other than named in collections
PP/9/18 - Karel Honzik
- PP/9/18/16 - [Letter, Karel Honzik to Jack Pritchard, 12/1/39]
PP/9/18 - Karel Honzik
PP/9 - Correspondence with architects other than named in collections