PP/20/1 - [Furniture Industry Post-War Reconstruction Committee]
[Furniture Industry Post-War Reconstruction Committee]
8 items Mixed
Bianco, S. D.
Ellis, William (of the Furniture Industry Post-War Reconstruction Committee)
Janes, Allan
Johnstone, W., fl. 1945
Radford, V. N.
Warren, J. L.
Greaves, F. A.
Elvin, H. E.
Welsford, W.
Beckett, G. H.
Sandercock, J. T. B.
Shanley, J. R.
Tomkins, A. G.
Greig, Cuthbert
Lebus, Herman Andrew Harris,
Ellis, William (of the Furniture Industry Post-War Reconstruction Committee)
Janes, Allan
Johnstone, W., fl. 1945
Radford, V. N.
Warren, J. L.
Greaves, F. A.
Elvin, H. E.
Welsford, W.
Beckett, G. H.
Sandercock, J. T. B.
Shanley, J. R.
Tomkins, A. G.
Greig, Cuthbert
Lebus, Herman Andrew Harris,
United Kingdom. Board of Trade
Furniture Industry Post-War Reconstruction Committee
Furniture Industry Post-War Reconstruction Committee
This committee was formed at a meeting of representative of furniture industry employers and trade unions, convened by the Board of Trade. The committee's task was to consider the major obstacles in terms of supplies and finance which the industry would face after the war. The committee's recommendation to form a committee comprising manufacturers, trade unionists, and Board of Trade officials, was rejected, but it did sow the seed for the later creation of the Furniture Development Council. The reconstruction committee comprised S.D. Bianco, William Ellis, Allan Janes, William Johnstone, V.N. Radford, J.L. Warren, F.A. Greaves (later replaced by H.E. Elvin), W. Welsford, G.H. Beckett, J.T.B. Sandercock, J.R. Shanley, and A.G. Tomkins. The honorary secretary was Cuthbert Greig and the chairman, Herman Lebus. The committee's interior reports are included, as is a questionnaire sent out to manufacturers concerning the furniture industry during the war. Not catalogued to item level.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/20 - Furniture Development Council
- PP/20/1 - [Furniture Industry Post-War Reconstruction Committee]
PP/20 - Furniture Development Council
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