JH/WAR/5 - [Maps]
18 sub files Maps and plans
World War, 1939-1945
Contains maps of Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Africa that were either produced in military editions or published as Second World War revisions.
- JH/WAR/5/1 - [Maps : Great Britain, 5th edition style Second War revision 1940]
- JH/WAR/5/2 - [Maps : Great Britain, popular edition style, Second World War revision 1940. One inch]
- JH/WAR/5/3 - [Maps : Great Britain, 2nd provisional edition]
- JH/WAR/5/4 - [Maps : Great Britain, military edition, War revision 1940]
- JH/WAR/5/5 - [Maps : Ten Mile Map of Britain, military edition]
- JH/WAR/5/6 - [Maps : Great Britain, Royal Air Force edition]
- JH/WAR/5/7 - [Maps : France (1)]
- JH/WAR/5/8 - [Maps : France (2)]
- JH/WAR/5/9 - [Maps : France, Army/Air]
- JH/WAR/5/10 - [Maps : France and Belgium]
- JH/WAR/5/11 - [Maps : Belgium and N.E. France]
- JH/WAR/5/12 - [Maps : Germany, 2nd edition (1)]
- JH/WAR/5/13 - [Maps : Germany, 2nd edition (2)]
- JH/WAR/5/14 - [Maps : Germany, Army/Air, 1st edition]
- JH/WAR/5/15 - [Maps : Netherlands, 2nd edition]
- JH/WAR/5/16 - [Maps : Italy]
- JH/WAR/5/17 - [Maps : Africa]
- JH/WAR/5/18 - [Maps : the county of London, for official use]